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"Best Hairdresser / salon in York"

A review of Dannie Lea by Sue written on Thursday 11th of September 2008


I have been going here for a while, the staff are always welcoming, no nasty looks on arrival as you get in many places from, just friendly and enthusistic, you can relax and be yourself, and I always have a laugh in there. Even after all these visits I have a proper consulation, they take the time to make sure I am happy with my hair - not just same again every time, that is why I go back.

It is lovely inside, gorgeous coffee and loads of NEW magazimes, not old issues all ripped round the edges. They are always updating the decor and it is immaculate inside - there are a lot of salons on Micklegate but this is the one to visit - I have tried some other before this and Dannie Lea is a hidden gem.


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Dannie Lea

Map showing Dannie Lea on Micklegate