Home > York Local Guide > Agriculture and Farming > Livestock and Other Animals

Livestock and Other Animals

Livestock and other animals, other farming of animals.



  • P H Johnson

    Based in York.
    Tel: 01751 431171
    Address: Fadmoor, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 7JH
  • P Haigh

    Based in Pool Lane, Nun Monkton.
    Tel: 01423 330416
    Address: Pool Lane, Nun Monkton, York, North Yorkshire, YO26 8EH
  • P M B Harrison

    Based in York.
    Tel: 01759 371240
    Address: Upper Helmsley, York, North Yorkshire, YO41 1JY
  • P M Rhodes

    Based in Arglam Lane, Holme-on-Spalding-Moor.
    Tel: 01430 860042
    Address: Arglam Grange, Arglam Lane, Holme-on-Spalding-Moor, York, North Yorkshire, YO43 4HG
  • P M Webster

    Based in York.
    Tel: 01423 322526
    Address: Lower Dunsforth, York, North Yorkshire, YO26 9SA
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  • Philip A Watson

    Based in Fadmoor.
    Tel: 01751 432214
    Address: Low Lidmoor, Bransdale, Fadmoor, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 7JL
  • R & D Bell

    Based in Lance Butts Farm, Sinnington.
    Tel: 01751 431353
    Address: Lance Butts Farm, Marton, Sinnington, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 6RQ
  • R A & E Smith

    Based in Appleton Road, Acaster Malbis.
    Tel: 01904 706990
    Address: Whitemoor Farm, Appleton Road, Acaster Malbis, York, North Yorkshire, YO23 2XA
  • R A Simpson

    Based in Oulston.
    Tel: 01347 868784
    Address: Adams Hall, Oulston, York, North Yorkshire, YO61 3RQ
  • R Barnitt & Sons

    Based in Tockwith Road, Long Marston.
    Tel: 01904 738242
    Address: Poplar Farm, Tockwith Road, Long Marston, York, North Yorkshire, YO26 7PJ
  • R C & D Plummer

    Based in Heslington.
    Tel: 01904 608207
    Address: Langwith Lodge Farm, Langwith, Heslington, York, North Yorkshire, YO10 5EJ
  • R C Smith

    Based in Stillington Road, Easingwold.
    Tel: 01347 821620
    Address: Blades Farm, Stillington Road, Easingwold, York, North Yorkshire, YO61 3ES
  • R Coward

    Based in York.
    Tel: 01904 448280
    Address: Thorganby, York, North Yorkshire, YO19 6DF
  • R D Carter & Son

    Based in Pear Tree Farm, Fangfoss.
    Tel: 01759 368256
    Address: Pear Tree Farm, Fangfoss, York, North Yorkshire, YO41 5QH
  • R Dent

    Based in Sutton Road, Wigginton.
    Tel: 01904 768419
    Address: Sutton Road, Wigginton, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 2RB
  • R E & L P Hall

    Based in Legram Lane, Marton cum Grafton.
    Tel: 01423 322569
    Address: Marton Cottage, Legram Lane, Marton cum Grafton, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9PS
  • R E & M Thompson & Son

    Based in Pond Farm, Crambe.
    Tel: 01653 618337
    Address: Pond Farm, Crambe, York, North Yorkshire, YO60 7JR
  • R Frankland

    Based in Gate Helmsley.
    Tel: 01904 488102
    Address: Londesborough Lodge Farm, Scoreby, Gate Helmsley, York, North Yorkshire, YO41 1NS
  • R H Dixon & Son

    Based in Raskelf.
    Tel: 01347 821372
    Address: Moor House Farm, Raskelf, York, North Yorkshire, YO61 3LR
  • R I & O M Blacker

    Based in Appleton Road, Acaster Malbis.
    Tel: 01904 706378
    Address: Appleton Road, Acaster Malbis, York, North Yorkshire, YO23 2XA
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